I n t e r i o r D E S I G N


One-person dwelling quarters provide autonomy and flexibility. The homeowner enjoys the entertainment and convenience that technology offers, but also anticipates a penthouse apartment with a panoramic view of the city skyline, a glass of wine in hand, and a deliciousness of his daily existence in life.The interior design complements the existing structure and is separated according to the needs of the owner. In addition to the master bedroom, the multi-functional audio-visual and entertainment room incorporates the dressing room, resolving the original distortion of the lighting surface and the unused corner; the open design of the public area expands the sense of spaciousness; the long walkway at the entrance is also equipped with ample storage cabinets. Thus, each room is positioned aptly, and a functional living flow is constructed.At the conclusion of the entrance hall's shaded corridor, a daylight end view is articulated. The distinctive coating of pebbledash gray stone adorns the room with its neutral beige-gray hue and dappled artistic texture, evidencing the urban man's lifestyle, which is characterized by a sense of self-awareness concealed in tranquility. The house's primary entry is the long corridor at the front door. On the left side, the entire cabinet is used to store a large quantity of shoes and other items, and its end is adorned with a beveled surface, which, in conjunction with the reflection of the gray mirror on the right side and the design of the accent light source, facilitates the creation of the corridor emerging as more spacious.The living room is connected to the dining room, kitchen, and bar, and the multifunctional audiovisual entertainment area is separated by curved glass to maximize the view and natural light. Behind the curved glass, the multifunctional audiovisual entertainment area reflects the homeowner's interests. This penthouse apartment has the most standard audio-visual feast in the city skyline, thanks to the professional projector and sound system, in addition to professional technician configuration, which creates a sound field that is tailored to the space, paired with the owner's handwritten "C'est La Vie, Cheers!" neon sign, this penthouse apartment features the city's most spectacular audio-visual extravaganza.Due to the home's location on the top floor and the abruptness of the ceiling beams, the curtain boxes and grooves are designed in parallel to allow some of the pipes to permeate through, whereas the exposed pipes also integrate the projection light track into a linear discourse, ushering in a disciplined spatial cadence, illuminating the ambient star light at night eliminates visual disarray and constructs a succinct aesthetic unique to metropolitan gentlemen.




一個人的生活空間,意味著彈性與自由。屋主喜歡科技為生活帶來的娛樂與便利性,同時期待在頂樓公寓,凌駕城市天際線遼闊景觀,手握酒杯,品味人生。室內格局順應既有結構,並圍繞屋主需求進行劃分,除主臥室之外,多功能視聽娛樂室整合更衣間,化解採光面原有畸零,且閒置的牆角;公領域運用開放式設計延展空間感;玄關的長向走道,亦是注入充足收納櫃體。藉此,讓每處空間適得其所,以機能成就流暢的生活動線。陰翳洗鍊的玄關盡頭,銜接著日光端景。洗灰石特殊塗料佈局了空間,其中性的米灰色調,斑駁的藝術質感,陳述起都會男子的生活風格,是於沈穩中,蘊藏自主意識。玄關的長向走廊,是住宅核心的入口,左側利用整面櫃體收納偌大鞋量與物品,並在尾端做斜面修飾,結合右側灰鏡的反射,與重點式光源設計,使廊道更為開闊。客廳與餐廳、廚房、吧台連貫,一旁的多功能視聽娛樂室以曲面玻璃為隔間,最大限度地導入日光與景觀視野,小酌品酒時,與景相伴,為美好人生敬一杯!曲面玻璃後的多功能視聽娛樂室,體現出男主人的興趣,專業級放映投影機與音響,配合專業技師的安排,構築符合此隅空間的音場設計,配上屋主自己手寫的「Cest La Vie, Cheers!」霓虹燈,讓這座頂樓公寓,擁有城市天際線最具規格的視聽饗宴。由於住宅空間位居頂樓,天花板梁位突兀,結合窗簾盒與溝縫作平行設計,使部分管線能夠穿透,而裸露的管線亦整合投射燈軌道為線性語彙,引領規律的空間節奏,在夜晚點開情境式的星光燈,消弭了視覺凌亂,構築了專屬都會男子的簡練質感。| 桃園室內設計 | 空間規劃 | 中古屋翻修 |



LOCATION : 桃園市      YEAR 2022   SIZE 25坪     TYPE : 住宅