I n t e r i o r D E S I G N
The distance between people and the city can be shaped with gallery even without balcony.You can experience the vibrant nature even though living in city and placed in cement jungle. You are provided with the window with abundant natural sunshine even if there is no outdoor space in the house. After the space needed in life is met, the gallery is created for the light coming into the room due to the lines furnished where the sun reaches, which deliberately distance the sun from the furniture to form an indoor balcony so as to connect people and the city. The diamond lines are formed on the terrace when the sunlight passes through the curtains and French window. The owner of the house can feel the leisure atmosphere created by the warmth when he/she walks around it. The owner can either take care of flowers or play the piano when free. Such enframed scenery flawlessly displays a hectic city life that is made more pleasant by recreation. The spacious space with plentiful ray of light is applied with multiple natural materials to form three-dimensional expressions. The vertical wood lines and the original texture of cement ceiling, supplemented with part of undecorated wall erase the presence of beam lines, which balances the plainness and boldness. The wardrobes and storage cabinets are applied with the design of straight line segmentation, making the space well-regulated. When the indoor framed is formed, the cotton blanket meanders the softness. The natural rhythm is produced credited to the sun, air, wood and textile, illustrating the harmony between the life style of the house owner and the space, fascinating and attractive.
沒有陽台,就在室內以廊道型塑人與城市之間的距離。城市生活,水泥叢林中亦能倘佯生生自然。即便住宅未包含戶外空間,仍擁有飽藏豐沛陽光的自然窗面,滿足生活所需之空間機能後,依循陽光所及之處安排動線,為來到室內的光線開闢廊道,刻意與家具間拉開距離,折衷營塑宅內的陽台腹地,藉此銜接人與城市之間的距離,當捲簾與落地窗櫺篩濾陽光,於地坪形成菱形光影,屋主遊走其間便能感受暖煦溫度烘托而成的悠閒,日常間時而弄花蒔草,時而彈奏一曲鋼琴悠揚,此一框一景,皆是以休憩緩衝忙碌的城市生活。充盈光線而敞亮的空間裡,亦運用多種自然材質為立面表情,直立式木紋線條以及天花板混凝土的原始面,輔以牆面些許的留白消弭梁線存在感,在樸質與粗獷間拿捏,而臥室衣櫃、貯物櫃體沿用直線條分割設計,使空間井然有序。當室內框架成形,由棉麻織物的蓋毯敘述了軟件絮語,這分由陽光、空氣、木質與織品交織而來的自然質韻,詮釋出屋主生活型態與空間的頻率共鳴,和諧,而引人入景。| 桃園室內設計 | 空間規劃 | 中古屋翻修
LOCATION : 桃園 YEAR : 2017 SIZE : 40坪 TYPE : 住宅